Need Help Buying or Selling A Home?


Kevin DeVos


Kevin DeVos

Pinnacle Real Estate Group:
1915 NE Ricou Terrace,
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Phone: 772-370-0470
Fax: 772-777-8450

Email Kevin DeVos

    About Kevin DeVos

    In ut dui vel elit ullamcorper sodales ut eget diam. Nam at pellentesque est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed dictum, arcu et tincidunt posuere, nisi risus dignissim dui, in egestas ipsum tellus rhoncus ex. Vestibulum eu turpis id quam volutpat hendrerit at vel augue. Cras ultrices dui ipsum, gravida dictum nisl maximus nec. Vivamus luctus interdum vulputate. Cras et vulputate massa, consequat tristique nibh. Fusce suscipit, nibh non blandit tempor, nisl nulla rutrum mi, eget tincidunt turpis mauris ut metus. Morbi commodo faucibus purus, ultricies tincidunt mauris finibus vel. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla efficitur tortor eu varius congue. Nunc id vestibulum urna.

    Want To Buy A Home?

    Any major purchase requires research, careful analysis, consideration, and thought. Home buying isn’t any different! Determining the right location, the number of bedrooms or bathrooms needed, and outdoor space is the easier things. However, there are many other factors to think about in your home search. From your initial search to the moment you get the keys to your new home, I will be there, guiding you through the process. I can even help connect you with mortgage professionals to get the best rates.

    As an area expert, I can help educate you on the different neighborhoods, schools, and other local community amenities that suit your lifestyle.

    Want To Sell A Home?

    Once we’ve determined the price, I can give you advice about the little things that you can do to stage your home to get you the highest possible price! You’d be surprised by the simple measures you can take to dress up your home to attract more qualified buyers.

    I have a marketing plan that is designed to get maximum exposure to the buyers that are currently looking, and all agents that have buyers.  Through pricing, staging, agent accessibility, and visibility, both on and offline, I can successfully sell your home to help you achieve your goals.

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